Order of Worship

Wide shot of the service room, people sit together in rows on pews, all facing the front where a podium waits.

Filled with God's Word

Our worship service is filled with God's Word. Our lives are busy and stressful, but at the beginning of the service we are called to rest from our worries and focus on God's grace.

After a short time of silence to prepare our hearts, we stand to respond by singing biblically based psalms and hymns in which we can lift our voices in praise to God.

Next we read a portion of God's Word responsively, which ends with a greeting of grace and peace from God’s word.  

After this, we hear once again from the Bible, as it directs us into a reminder of God's law, guides us to confess our sins, and then assures us of the pardon that Jesus earned for us.

​The sermon is the central part of our service. We preach expository sermons - that means you will not hear the preacher's opinion, but you will learn what the Bible says and how that affects your life.  ​

After the sermon, we sing again and we then have the opportunity to come together to lift our needs and thanksgiving to God in a prayer.  An offering is collected for various causes that we support both locally and internationally.  Guests are not expected to make a donation but are welcome to give.

Then we stand to hear God's blessing pronounced upon us for the coming week.  We then conclude with a doxology - a short song of praise, and then exit for a time of fellowship together.

Typical Morning Order of Worship


Welcome & Announcements

Pre-Service Hymn +

Pre-Service Hymn

Does singing aloud seem strange to you?  Singing is a big part of our worship.  We sing because God commands us to sing his praises and singing helps us remember God's Word.  Make a joyful noise to the Lord on Sundays so God's joy sticks with you all week long.

Call To Worship +

Call To Worship

A call to worship prepares us to experience God's grace and peace in a busy world.  Put your problems on hold for an hour and respond to God's call to worship him.

God’s Call to Worship

Silent Prayer

God's Greeting

Opening Hymn of Praise

Confession & Assurance +

Confession & Assurance

The truth hurts but the truth will set you free.  Each Sunday we spend time having our sin exposed by God's Truth.  But then we let go of the guilt and pain those sins cause as we confess them.  Then we are assured through God's Truth that our sins have been forgiven in Jesus' name.  Lay your burdens down and experience peace.

Prayer of Confession

Words of Forgiveness & Assurance

God’s Will for Our Lives +

God’s Will for Our Lives

God set out His will for our lives in the ten commandments and we are reminded of this each week.  His aim is that we be transformed, sanctified, freed by the truth of his revealed word.

Moment For The Children

Children’s Song

Children’s Message

Children are dismissed for Sunday School

God's Holy Word

Prayer for Understanding


Sermon +


There are lots of empty words in this world but the preaching of God's Word is anything but empty. The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. A sermon is not the minister's opinion or pep talk.  Biblical preaching is presenting God's grace and peace into your life.

Depart to Serve

Congregational Prayer +

Congregational Prayer

Why do we pray?  God has promised to answer us when we pray in His name.  We pray for the needs of our congregation each Sunday.

Thank Offering +

Thank Offering

Tithes are monies that are earmarked for our church’s operating budget. It is our understanding from Scripture that some will give more and some less, as Scripture teaches us to plan our voluntary giving, in proportion to how the Lord has blessed us (Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Malachi 3:8-11, and 2 Corinthians 8-9). Offerings are monies earmarked for additional causes/organizations that our church chooses to support. The offering list is compiled yearly by the Deacons. Visitors are welcome to contribute but should not feel obligated.

Doxology +


This is just a big word for a short song of praise to God at the end of the service. It's like saying thank you for the blessings I received today in the service.

Benediction +


Every service ends with a benediction.  Benediction literally means "good words."  This benediction is an expression of God's blessing on your life in the coming week.

Three-Fold Amen

Coffee and conversation follows the service in the fellowship hall.

Worship With Us

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