Covenant Christian Reformed Church is a confessional church.
This means we not only believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God, but that we also reference creeds and confessions that articulate what the Bible says about core doctrines in a succinct way.
Covenant CRC uses three confessions as accurate summaries of God’s Word.
Heidelberg Cathechism
This is a compilation of 52 sets of questions and answers, meant to be studied throughout the year. It's divided into three sections: our guilt, God's grace, and our gratitude.
Learn more about Heidelberg Cathechism on the denomination’s website
Belgic Confession
The Belgic Confession answers the three basic questions all people must answer: 1) Who is God; 2) Who are we; 3) How are we saved?
Learn more about Belgic Confession on the denomination's website
Canons of Dordt
The Canons explain God's authority in our salvation, which are known as the doctrines of sovereign grace. The five points culminate with the assurance that God will always preserve His children.
Learn more about Canons of Dordt on the denominations website